job Tag

  Job loss, what do those words conjure up for you?  Anger, relief, anxiety, uncertainty, grief, devastated, worthless, I am sure I could go on but you get the picture.  Job loss is one of those stressors that impact us, our families, our relationships and our finances.  Our world, as we knew it, has now been drastically altered and for most of us that is unnerving. The world is changing, globalization is a reality, manual manufacturing jobs are decreasing, and technology is increasing and ever changing us and our world.  We can dislike what’s happening and wish for the past which we thought was secure and stable, but that reality is gone. 


No matter what the impact of COVID-19 or navigating life after COVID-19 or if you are finding your situation difficult call us.  We are here for you and let's see how we can help.  Call our new number 902-852-2963.  All in-person sessions are now on-line sessions or telephone sessions.  Sessions are provided on a secure platform (OnCallHealth) which protects your privacy and confidentiality. If you need assistance call Jan or Jurgen 902-852-2963 and  we would be happy to accommodate you. Anyone new contacting us can request on-line sessions or phone sessions.  Note: cellphone calls are not secure whereas land-line calls are secure.