Read our privacy policy and how we protect your information

Your Privacy is important to us

Privacy Policy
At ACT Associates an important part of our commitment to provide excellent service, is the protection of your privacy. Protecting your personal information is a crucial operating practice and so, we take stringent measures to maintain your privacy when you access our services. In its everyday operation, ACT Associates is in compliance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). As well as complying with applicable privacy legislation, we want to ensure that those who access our services can feel as confident as possible.

Your discussions with your counsellor or records of your use of ACT Associates services are confidential. Information will not be shared with any other person without your prior knowledge and written consent. However, there are limited circumstances where the law requires disclosure. These include situations such as:

1. Elder Abuse
2. Child Protection Concerns
3. Medical Emergencies
4. Threats of Violence or Harm to Oneself or to Others
5. Reporting Harm By Another Professional
6. Court Order or Subpoena

General statistics and non-identifying client information will be recorded for statistical and research purposes. With the exception of court orders, client records will not be released to third parties. Please note that we will only release to clients the information, which is related to their own specific counselling. It is the Policy of ACT Associates that both partners in couple counselling will have equal access to, and the right to, a copy of the records of all joint sessions. However, where one partner is seen individually, only the individual will have right of access and a copy of the record from that session.

ACT Associates does not advocate on your behalf in legal or work-related matters such as recommending time away from work. If you should require a copy of your file for any reason, you will be charged a processing fee. Please contact our Clinical Records Department at 1-902-852-2963 or ask your counsellor for details.

ACT Associates collects general statistics and non-identifying information that will be recorded for statistical and research purposes.

ACT Associates does not allow the recording of your session, and requires your cell phone to not to be used during sessions, except for emergency purposes.


ACT Associates advertises services online, so that individuals, couples and families in need of counselling can find us easily. We know that more and more people are searching for mental health services on the Internet, versus traditional means of referral. We rely on the use of search keywords, such as depression, counselling, anxiety, stress, or therapy, which are often tied to location-based search terms (e.g. “Counselling in Waterloo”). This allows us to connect our services and office locations with the people searching for help with these particular issues.

Google and other search engines use sophisticated systems to show you content based on your previous searches. The search engines learn about the content you look at, as each website you visit leaves a small bit of data in your Internet browser (called a “cookie.”) The next site you visit will have access to these “cookies,” so your previous web activity is available. Websites then use this information to show you ads and content based on your preferences and interests.

So, when you use a search engine, ads and search results will appear based on your location, what you have searched for, as well as previous searches you have conducted and sites visited in the past.

When you visit sites other than search engines, you will see ads in various formats. The content of the ads may be based on your previous engagement online. So, if you have recently searched for vacations in Las Vegas, it is likely that you will encounter ads featuring Las Vegas vacations as you navigate online. In turn, if you have searched for counselling, the ads you will see in the future may be focused on therapy, mental health, and other counselling-related topics. If this makes you uncomfortable, causes you distress in any way, or makes you worry about your confidentiality, there are a few options you can pursue.

If you prefer to speak directly to our office, our team is happy to connect you with our counselling services over the phone. ACT Associates maintains strict confidentiality regarding all of our potential, existing and past clients. Call our office at 902-852-2963.


ACT Associates’ staff is committed to excellence in serving all clients, including people with disabilities. We believe that each person is a unique individual, deserving of our respect and being treated with dignity. ACT Associates is in compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities (AODA) standards.

The staff at ACT Associates will make every reasonable effort to provide services that are accessible to persons with disabilities and that respect the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities. We ensure that our staff are trained and familiar with various assistive devices, we have on site or that we provide, that may be used by customers with disabilities while accessing our goods and services. At ACT Associates we will take any reasonable steps to accommodate the person so that the services are in compliance with our established standards; privacy, confidentiality, and professionalism.


No matter what the impact of COVID-19 or navigating life after COVID-19 or if you are finding your situation difficult call us.  We are here for you and let's see how we can help.  Call our new number 902-852-2963.  All in-person sessions are now on-line sessions or telephone sessions.  Sessions are provided on a secure platform (OnCallHealth) which protects your privacy and confidentiality. If you need assistance call Jan or Jurgen 902-852-2963 and  we would be happy to accommodate you. Anyone new contacting us can request on-line sessions or phone sessions.  Note: cellphone calls are not secure whereas land-line calls are secure.