Here are some things to do with Preteens and Teens during their time at home due to the COVID-19 virus

Here are some things to do with Preteens and Teens during their time at home due to the COVID-19 virus

Things You can do at Home with Pre-Teens and Teens

  • Egg Drop Competition

-30 straws, 4 meters of tape, make a structure that can protect an egg from a fall

  • Laser Maze/Trap room

-take string or yarn, wrap it back and forth around furniture, tape to walls, make a web that is hard but not impossible to get through.

  • Make Treasure maps for each other

-One clue leads to the next , put all paper clues together to make the map on the reverse side of the clues

  • Campfire (proven by science to reduce anxiety and blood pressure)
  • Skits/ Videos/ Air bands (plus depending on your skills, edit on computer)
  • Dissemble old/garbage electronics
  • Make up a menu for two weeks with a realistic budget and clip out pictures from grocery flyers that prove you’re on budget
  • Clean out a closet or attic (what lost treasure might you find?)
  • Pick up litter around the neighborhood as a service (Remember you can go outside, we are limiting contact with people, not the outdoors)
  • Learn some origami or paper airplane competition – go for distance or specific landing targets
  • Adult coloring books are very relaxing (pages can be found online too)
  • Build a birdhouse

(Design you own with whatever material you can find around the house)

  • Lego Challenge between Parent and Teen (who can make the strongest bridge)

-Build a bridge at least two feet long, hang it on two chairs and then add weight to the center of the bridge. Which bridge can hold the most weight?

  • Take up a new skill that you always wanted or just want to try out. There are many instructional videos on YouTube to get you started. (instrument, paint, write, knit, drum, juggle, card tricks, draw, code, crochet, chess, language, sing, dance, KPOP routine etc.)
  • Home Maintenance (You have the time, You have some help, what can your teen learn from you, what project have you been putting off?)
  • Attempt a world record Or Make you own BOOK OF YOUR HOUSE RECORDS (bounce a ping pong ball non-stop, farthest thrown playing card, longest hula hooping etc.)
  • Or Be creative, make your own game or activity, don’t be afraid to fail. Some of the best memories are made up of failures.

Jason Bevan

Jurgen Czechowsky
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